
What is strength? We may think of young athletes who can lift heavy weights with easy. I will try to come up with an answer. Strength is the power to do or achieve something. There is short term strength or long term strength for a sprint or a marathon. I noticed in life there are those who are sprinters, they accomplish something in a flash. Then I notice there are those who are plodders who accomplish things over a long period of time. Life needs both the sprinters and plodders. I confess I am a plodder. Strength goes beyond athletics, encompassing most everything we say or do. Growing up adults may told us we were weak because of our disabilities. We may be physically weak, but we can be mentally tough as nails. Toughness is a necessary life skill. Without it, we may become a worn-out door mat. Toughness starts with saying I am strong or I can become strong. Then it comes with practicing assertiveness with the people in your life. If you do this on a regular basis, your strength will increase and your will become tough, and this world needs strong and tough Self-Advocates.

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