Staying Excited

It is easy being excited when you first start Self-Determination with the thrill of your plan being enrolled Yet with passage of time, the novelty and the excitement fade. It all becomes rather routine and common place. You may even take your plan for granted. That is when mistakes happen and the plan breaks down. How do you keep your plan fresh and alive? I do several things to bolster my excitement of my plan. I email weekly updates on how things are going to my team members. Periodical, I will review my plan to refresh my memory of what is in the plan and why. I also review the FMS monthly report to how my expenses are going. Then I share with my friends how things are going. Now is no time to keep secrets. Be proud of your plan and share your pride with others. Keep the spark of excitement alive. You will be happier for it and your plan work better for it as well.

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