Baby Steps

I have a desire that I can see my great vision with perfect detail and be able to chart my course with clarity to my destination. In practice, my vision fails me with astigmatism with both far off and close up images all a blur. To reach my dreams, I take baby steps and move slowly and tentatively. I want to take a step forward but I end up taking a step backward. There are times when I feel like I am making no headway. This is why I must be so patient with myself less I become discouraged and give you. Self-advocates know about this. What seems so simple and attainable, becomes so difficult. That is one reason why it is so helpful to have a team supporting you on your way. It has for me. The paper goals on my IPP that seem so reachable are so illusive in practice. One strategy that I use is to find at least one goal that I am reaching and declare victory. Then I look at others and with the support of my team problem solve to reach them. This all takes baby steps and time. I am sure others could make these adjustments more quickly but this is what works for me. How are you doing with your baby-steps.

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