Mass transit

Getting around by bus, trolley, or Coaster represents a lifeline for those with Transportation limitations. My SDP pays for my monthly Pronto card. I am still getting used to the switch over from the Compass card. If you live in Mid-City San Diego, transportation works fairly well for you. Yesterday, I just hopped on the 215 and got my haircut. But once you get outside of Mid-city the convenience of mass transit falls off dramatically. This is one of the main reasons I live where I do. It is an overstatement but not by much that higher income levels get better bus service than low income areas, leaving the poor with long commutes and early curfews. I will say the mass transit service has improved dramatically over my life time. Changes in mass transit happen very slowly which is very slowly. Shortly the Blue Trolley line will open up to go to UTC. The will be great for me because it also goes to the UCSD Medical Center. People who drive don’t understand how import mass-transit is to people with limited transportation abilities. It has made a huge difference in my life, and it is comforting knowing riding the bus is the green thing to do.

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