My vision for Self-Advocacy

We are unique with differing abilities, support needs, backgrounds, and dreams. This is cause for celebration and a source of meaning and dignity. We practice Self-Advocacy from the time we get up in the morning until we go to bed at night. We especially practice Self-Advocacy at meetings such as our Annual Review. These meetings are about us, it is important that our voices be heard at these meetings.

As important as sharing our voice is at the Annual Review, but is critical at making systemic changes at the state-wide or national level. No professional or politician knows are story better than we do ourselves. No one knows how hard it is to find affordable housing, making ends meet living off of SSI, facing discrimination and prejudice, or trying to find a job. We must become active and make our voices be heard. We are fighting not just our self-interest, but for our respect, a basic human right.

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