Self-Advocacy takes Courage

I admit it but I have a strong desire to conform and to fit in with the crowd. I must push myself to be authentic and genuine, because I want people’s approval and to be liked. That is not what self-advocacy is about. It is about being honest, candid, and real. I feel needy when I conform and strong when I am candid. I hate feeling needy because when I feel needy, I also feel weak and powerless, which I detest. This is a wrestling match I face as I struggling with my inner demons. I don’t know how you feel about this. Do you struggle being candid? The path of least resistance leads to being treated as a child. I don’t want this for myself, and I am sure you don’t want this for yourself either. It is my experience candor develops by taking baby steps-be candid about small things consistently and gradually I work my way up the ladder. Let’s give a shout for candor and self-advocacy.

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