Preparing for your Person-Centered Plan Meeting

I will be candid and say that I made the PCP Meeting much harder on myself than I should have been. In my mind, i had to control everything and do all my preparation. What a waste of time and energy! Looking back at it now, all I needed to know were four basic questions: 1) What do I want people to know about me? 2) What are my needs? 3) What are my goals? and 4) What supports and resources do I need to reach my goals? It is all that simple, nothing to be afraid of or get stressed out over, Equally important to the four questions, is deciding whom to invite to the PCP meeting. You will want to invite people who know you well, who respects you, are positive and forward thinking, and care about you and your self-interest. It is all that simple. Good luck on your Self-Determination journey

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