Finding Ability

I happen to have a wide mix of health conditions and disabilities that limit what I can do. When I combine those with some poor life choices, I ended up with a lot of failures in my life. These sank my self-esteem and mood. I kept trying and trying to find something that I was good at. I was given plenty of opportunities, but still, success eluded me. As I have written elsewhere in this blog, I worked years and years at my writing with no success, then it happened, I could write. That boosted my morale. What really changed things was creating this blog. I designed, developed, and have maintained it for the most part all by myself. I was self-taught. This blog was a case study of self-reliance. I am proud of what I have achieved. It has opened more doors of opportunity for me. I am working on web pages at work. Today, I made my first fillable form all by myself and beat my deadline. In all of this, I see my abilities and I am proud of myself.

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