Where I stand

Much of the time, I feel that everyone should be sent back to Kindergarten to learn how to be nice to one another and play fair. Perhaps, they didn’t learn it the first time around. They were too busy being bullies. I’ll give them a second chance. I am so tired of putting up with the stigma. It really hurts. We deserve to be treated with respect. I am tired of the rules and regulations that the system imposes on us. I will always remember my days on SSI and how many strings were attached to getting my monthly benefit check or Medi-Cal card. It was so degrading. Then I had to wait years to get my Section 8 voucher. There is so much that we have to put up with. We have been patient for too long. We must stand up, unite, and make our voices heard. Only by working together can we ever expect to see any change in this country.

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