Busting through the Barriers

Sometimes it feels like every where I turn I face a barrier and I feel trapped. Have you ever felt that way? When I feel trapped some times ask for help. I am not too proud to ask. For example, at work we use software to fill out our time card. It’s new and it confused me. I tried and tried and couldn’t it to work. Then I took it to my supervisor and she had problems. So finally we took it the head of payroll, and not only did she solve it in a flash but she showed us how to do it. It seems like everything I do with technology is like that. I am a big fan of tech support. I could add filling out my taxes falls in the category–it is so complicated. Then there are barriers we have to get through by ourselves. These include school, work, family, relationship, and our health. Problem solving helps and so does a lot of sweat, grit, and determination. Those us with developmental disabilities may have grown up with others solving our problems for us. We need to remember that a sign of mature adult life is we solve our own problems and break through our barriers.

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