Claiming the Moment

I have been waiting for something for most of my life. I waited for graduation when I was in school. Once I was out of school, I waited to get a good job. Then, when I entered the s system, I waited and waited for services.

Well I am tired of waiting. I have needs that I want met now! I am in my senior years and I am through with playing the waiting game. That is why I strive to make my meetings as efficient and focused as possible. The system is what it is and it operates at its own pace, but I am determined to claim my moment as much as I can. I don’t want to be the hold up.

Increasingly, I see the importance of living in the now because I don’t know what tomorrow will bring. I want to enjoy living in the now and not regarded as a waiting time. I also want the now to be celebrated and not spent dwelling on past regrets. I can’t change the past but only learn from it.

The now is a blank slate open to a universe of possibilities and I want to bring this blank slate to my annual reviews and IPP meetings. I don’t want to dwell on histories nor some preferred future years off in the future. At these meetings, I want to be true to myself, my values, preferences, hopes, and dreams. I want to be real. Also, opportunities exist in the now and I want to seize all the opportunities I can get.

How about you? Are you claiming your moments?

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