Next Year

2021 hasn’t even ended but it is time to think seriously about 2022. This is going to be a mid-term, gubernatorial year. There will be a lot of partisan clamor in the air. We, self-advocates, are going to have to really struggle to get on the radar screen and our voices heard. Politicians will spend their time pandering to their constituents, parroting diatribes of the opposing side. Just thinking about it, is almost enough to swear off politics, but I can’t do that. The marginalized and the outcast need to unite and cry out we need justice and we need it now. We are tired of living in squalor. We want clean, warm, affordable housing in safe neighborhoods. We are tired of buying clothes at the second store or getting groceries at the liquor store. We are tired of making choices between buying groceries or meds. We want to be heard. We want a future of a better life. We want a slice of the American dream.

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