
You may be afraid that Self-Determination means time, work, and effort. I would like to suggest another way of looking at Self-Determination and that is play. I find it a thrill to consider possibilities, to explore options, and to identify solutions. Play has give and take and is spontaneous and unique. Play is fun, rewarding, and uplifting. With all the steps involved in getting your plan approved and enrolled, it can be a tedious journey if we take each step seriously and it becomes outright burdensome and stifling. With a touch of play the dynamic changes 100%.

Play brings with it joy, enthusiasm, and creativity. This is exactly what we need at a PCP meeting to think outside of the box. I am prone to think conventionally, so play needs to liberate me to think and speak freely. Play will do exactly that brining out my inner child hidden under a life time of conforming, instruction, and compliance.

Play also keeps us young. It helps us embrace the possible and let go of failure, regret, and pain. Life has enough tears, why not claim as much wonder and excitement as we can? So when you go to your orientation, your PCP meeting, or another Self-Determination meeting think of it as play. It will make a world of difference.

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Kari Lorraine Scott
3 years ago

Hooray for play!
Also, love your tagline, “Nothing about us without us!”

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