One of the most important events in my life was getting my present job. I had been working part-time at the minimum wage living off SSI in a Section 8 apartment. I was an administrative assistant, something I was not skilled at. Then miracles of miracles I got my full-time job with benefits. I have a modest income, enough so I can put a little away for my retirement. Work fills my week with things to do, problems to solve and skills to develop. I get to interact with my peers and colleagues which is very satisfying. I now live in my own apartment close to work. So much of my identity is influenced by my work. Getting this job didn’t happen overnight. It took a decade of job searching and sending out resumes. I worked at jobs and took community colleges that I was ill suited for, but I hung in there. My advice to you if you are searching for work, don’t give us. Keep hunting and while you are searching make your time as productive as possible.