My Story…

About Me…

My name is Paul Mansell and I am an ardent self-advocate. It has taken me to Sacramento and Washington to meet with legislators and talk on issues affecting People with Developmental Disabilities.

I am a San Diego native, graduate from SDSU with a BA in Political Science and an MA in Educational Technology. I have been employed in  the field of developmental disabilities for over 20 years and am an officer for San Diego People First and the Statewide Self-Advocacy Network. I have received local and state-wide recognition for my advocacy.

About this Site… is dedicated to advancing self-advocacy and self-determination. Self-advocacy is the civil rights movement of people with developmental disabilities run by people with disabilities. Its goal is to promote the attainment of individual wants, needs, hopes, and dreams. More than that, it strives to achieve systematic change for people with developmental disabilities, so we may fulfill our potential living in our communities. That includes housing, education, employment, transportation, community integration, and relationships. I will strive to make regular postings to this blog to keep it current and you informed.

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