
Self-Advocacy teaches us our value is intrinsic flowing from our personhood. Well, that may be so, but I have had an overarching desire to be found competent in something. I was horrible at sports and games growing up either the last or second to the last on teams at school. I tried and tried to be an A student, but I graduated from high school, college, and graduate school as a B student. Once I hit the job market, I couldn’t find anything that I was good at. Sure there were a lot of things that I liked to do but I wasn’t good at it. Then I got involved in self-advocacy. I did well there because they stressed good intentions. So I hung out with other self-advocates. I succeeded in that arena but I was still lacking competence.

All my life I wanted to be a good writer and I worked and worked at it to improve it. Decades passed with little sign of improvement, then suddenly out of the blue my writing improved. I continued to practice my writing and gradually my writing improved some more. I had found my competence, but I wanted more. I became more prolific at my writing and people started to suggest that I write a blog. I was reluctant to do so, but the desire to be read by a wide audience on the world wide web won out. I have had my blog four months and I am quite pleased with the results and I have been receiving good reviews on it. For the first time in my life I feel fully competent and I get to showcase my writing. Now that I discovered this competency, I eager to find others. I am confident they’re out there.

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