Picking ourselves up

We all did it as children, stumbling on the playground at school and falling. We scraped our knees and tore our clothes. It hurt like the dickens and it was embarrassing as anything. As adults we still stumble and fall. We plan, work hard, and problem solve, but we still end up sprawled on the ground with scraped knees and ripped clothes. This may be from all manner of failures–school, family, romance, work, etc. It hurts hitting the ground and is hard as anything to pick ourselves up off the ground, but it is important that we do because a healthy and happy life demands it. Sometimes it helps to get a hand up from a friend. The importance of picking ourselves up is especially true for us with developmental disabilities who encounter so many barriers. It is easy to trip up and fall on our face. It doesn’t matter how often we fall, but it does matter that every time we do fall, we pick ourselves up and brush ourselves off and get going again. We still have to take risks, try, and sometimes fall, but all of it is part of life.

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