
Growing up all I seem to know was failure. I wasn’t remotely athletic so I dreaded playing games with my friends and classmates. I did OK academically, but I was strictly a B student no matter how hard I tried. As I became a young adult things only got worse–failing at school, love, and career. The only accomplishment I had was ending up on SSI in a Section 8 apartment. I felt like I was a real loser, but I didn’t give up and throw in the towel. I continued to take classes, got into a healthy lifestyle, got part-time jobs, and volunteered. In short I stayed active.

A huge break came when I landed my current job–a game changer in my life. Then I discovered Self-Advocacy and later Self-Determination. I began to experience successes, and when my SD plan was finally enrolled, I felt I finally made it, and I had achieved victory. It goes without saying victory feels much better than losing, and as I look into my future, I want to experience more victories.

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