My Annual Review is coming up

My annual review is coming up just around the corner. I have invited my friends and colleagues to it I am excited about the review but not stressing over it. In the past I wrote my IPP, not this year because I update my service coordinator on a weekly basis. I trust Mike, my new SC, to write my IPP. The narrative part of the IPP will stay pretty much the same. I have already supplied the health information. The goals will be a carry over from my last addendum meeting. The only major change is writing this blog and my web authoring at work. I expect the meeting to be positive, upbeat, and brief. I am disappointed that the meeting will be virtual. I had so hoped that the meeting would be in person. The pandemic being what it is prevented that. I may pay for my blog, but it represents my most important goal that I have. It really broadens my self-advocacy goal. I am supporting self-advocacy through my work, and my hope is San Diego People First will have a conference next year. Whether if is in-person or virtual only time will tell. I am especially proud of growth in my friendships quantitatively and qualitatively. I have learned that having friendships is very rewarding but it does take a lot of work. I am pleased also that I have grown closer to my sisters. All in all I am ready for the meeting. I just have to confirm the RSVPS and we are ready to go.

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