Living the dream in the now

For as long as I can remember, I have lived for the future. That has helped me get through some real rough scraps. It helped me get through all manner of career, health, and personal setbacks. My focus was not in the present, but how I hoped they would be. My life has turned around. I still want to pursue my dreams, but not in some far off and distant future. I want to experience them in the here and now. I am tired of waiting to enjoy my life. I have learned that communicating my dreams to others helps me reach them. It motivates me to reach them and encourages others to support me to reach them. I have all the resources I need to live in the now –financial, career, and material. My kitchen is well stocked with food, and I have a closet full of clothing. I have all the technology that I can possibly need. I am thankful for all that I have. This allows me the freedom to engage in self-advocacy and systemic change for the causes I believe in. There is so much I want to do, but the one thing I don’t want to do is to be a coach potato. Life is meant to be lived and lived in the now.

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