Civility and decorum

We live in crazy times where everyone seems so divided. Everything becomes a partisan issue. I hope this is not the fate of the disability rights movement. There is no reason for it to become partisan. Disability doesn’t care a bit about ideology or party loyalty. It just goes out and limits life and experiences. Regardless of party affiliation it still takes character and inner resolve to overcome disabilities.

This is why I urge disability rights activities to practice non-violent disobedience when they protest. Emotions may arise during protests, but it is critical to retain composure. We will get nowhere if we yield to anger, fear, or hatred. There is far too much of that going around. It is pointless to contribute to it.

Some activists may find this type of discipline as “old school.” For me, politeness is timeless and never goes out of style. Use reason and testimonials to make our case, not rash actions. We want to make a case, not hurt people or damage property. We need to remember we are all in this together, There is no need to make enemies. I believe a kind word is more powerful than a clenched fist.

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