What do I want?

What do I want? That is a straightforward question, simple and direct. Why then do I have such difficulty answering it? Perhaps, it is because it is so broad and opened ended. I could want a great many things, a lot of good and worthwhile things. Some are so fluffy like world peace that it is hard for me to imagine they would ever come true. Let me focus it a bit and say I want something, that will give me identity, meaning, and purpose to my life. Even that is pretty opened ended because so many things meet those needs.

Years ago I was recognized for my self-advocacy accomplishments. At the time, I felt honored for the recognition, but deep down I felt it was premature. I felt then and I still today feel let me live a full life of service to Self-Advocacy. I want to make a difference in people’s lives. I want people with developmental disabilities to live out fulfilling, satisfying lives in their communities. I want us to have purposeful employment, safe clean and affordable house, compassionate health care, and meaningful relationships with family and friends. I hope to accomplish this through my involvement at work, San Diego People First, and the Statewide Self-Advocacy Network. I will further give trainings on these related topics and support legislation that empowers self-advocates.

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